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Weight Loss and Fitness For Women in Their 30s - 4 Simple Facts Revealed

Just hit 30? Well, do not worry! You're still a young girl, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise . In fact, it is not just a feel good sentence. Science is on your side too, since , scientifically speaking, there is nothing you have done 25 but can not at 32. You can still get fit, lose weight fast and achieve the ideal body. However, we must recognize that your body undergoes changes. It is important to be aware of the changes and act accordingly. Weight loss and fitness has no age limit .

1 . Understanding the changes

To begin with, your natural metabolic rate is a bit slower than it was 10 years ago . This means that, on average , your body burns fewer calories than usual. In addition, a woman's body begins to experience hormonal changes in its 30 years. Skin elasticity begins to fall and tiny wrinkles begin to appear on the face. The skin renewal is also slower . These changes are not major or sudden , but if you're in your 30s , the process has probably begun and you need to take corrective measures to stay young and healthy, while you lose weight. In the coming years , in addition to a program of skin care , it is very important that you maintain a healthy diet.

2 . Guess what? Exercise!

Exercise is essential for almost everyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off long term. For you, it is a prerequisite that you make your way through 30 . Besides helping you lose weight, exercise, especially a kind of strength training will improve muscle tone and increase skin elasticity . Your circulation will also improve, and if you face a lot of stress at work, the endorphins that are released with exercise, will fight against it . Women considering pregnancy , up to 30 years should also exercise regularly , because it affects the health of her fetus .

3 . regime

As mentioned earlier , another important part of your fitness plan and weight loss is diet. First, try to eliminate junk food as much as you can, and habits such as alcohol abuse and smoking. Besides weight gain , there are countless other negative health impacts of these habits . In addition, you need to drink enough water. Cleans toxins and keeps the skin healthy and hydrated .

Space your meals so that you end up eating 5-6 times a day . This will keep your metabolism. You need a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as this will help reduce calories and provide essential minerals , vitamins and antioxidants . Lean protein is also essential to maintain strong , lean muscles, and do not forget to get enough calcium. Milk and dairy products in abundance. Women in their 30s who have calcium deficiencies often begin to experience arthritic symptoms . It may be a good idea to get a diet to lose weight for yourself.

4. Controlling your enthusiasm

At the end of the day, it is important that you set your enthusiasm and do not go overboard with the changes, if you really want the success of the health and weight loss. If you make too many changes too quickly, chances are you will not be able to keep and fall back into old habits. Try to fix one thing at a time, then store it in the long run.

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